In an ideal world, businesses would always run along smoothly with no legal disputes. Unfortunately, there’s a reasonable chance that you’re going to run into some kind of conflict along the way, whether it’s related to contracts, business partners, employees, or just about anything else. Fortunately, going to court isn’t the only way to resolve these issues — you can opt for business mediation instead.
Mediation is a process involving a third party, who helps both parties reach a resolution (and it can even be remote). Not sure if it’s right for you? Here’s an overview of the key benefits.
Cost Savings
It’s no secret that court can be extremely expensive — both parties have to pay their own legal fees, and the more the trial drags on, the higher the costs get. You’ll still have to pay for a qualified legal professional to oversee the process when you go through mediation, but the costs are split evenly between everyone. This reduces costs and also makes the process fairer.
Plus, mediation fees tend to be lower than court fees since they involve a shorter time commitment for legal professionals, which leads nicely to our next point.
Time Savings
Arguably even more sickening than the costs involved in a formal trial is the time you have to spend preparing for, worrying about, and going through your legal battle. Even if you get the result you want, the toil you had to go through to get there makes it a bitter-sweet victory.
Mediation is much quicker. The length of the process depends on the complexity of a specific case, but most disputes can be resolved in a few sessions — meaning you can solve a problem in weeks and not months (or even years).
Going to court often means airing your dirty laundry for the rest of the world to see. In contrast, mediation is completely confidential.
Instead of trying to preserve a particular public image or twist the facts to seem like they’re “in the right,” both parties can focus on reaching an agreement. It also increases trust, both toward the mediator and the other side, again making the process run more smoothly.
Reduced Hostility
The fact that meditation costs are split evenly is already conducive to a more peaceful, productive process. Even better, the comparative informality and collaborative style of mediation may work to put everyone at ease.
This doesn’t just mean that the process will be less stressful and unpleasant for both parties involved; it also increases the likelihood of a resolution being reached. What more could you want?
Approach Business Mediation the Right Way
If your number one priority is working through a dispute you’re facing as quickly and easily as possible rather than trying to win a huge settlement or show the other party in a negative light, business mediation is a natural choice.
However, its success will partly hinge on the effectiveness of the mediator you work with.
As an experienced lawyer-mediator, Donita King has both the skills and the history to make your business mediation a success, saving you time and money. To find out more about whether she can help with your dispute, contact her law offices today.