Co-Parenting With a Toxic Ex
There’s a situation we all dread yet few of us ever imagine ending up in when we get into a relationship or have children: co-parenting with a toxic ex. Yet if you’ve found yourself in this unfortunate scenario, there are ways to navigate it while maintaining your sanity and still giving your child(ren) the opportunity…
Read MoreResolve Co-Parenting Issues During the Holidays
The holidays should be when we all relax, spend some time with our loved ones, and enjoy the festivities. Yet things don’t always turn out that way — the unfortunate reality is that many people face less-than-ideal family situations, including having to navigate co-parenting. If you’re struggling to resolve co-parenting issues during the holidays, know…
Read MoreNegotiating Your Divorce Decree
As anyone going through the process themselves will know, getting a divorce involves several hurdles. A divorce decree can seem like the light at the end of the tunnel after months of toil — but negotiation has its own set of challenges. To avoid common stumbling blocks and problems when carrying out a divorce in…
Read MoreOctober Is a Great Time to Mediate
October is widely known as a month of Halloween, pumpkin-spiced lattes, and autumnal aesthetics — but did you know it’s the perfect time to try mediation? The month is home to Mediation Week (the third week of October) and Conflict Resolution Day (17th October). Even if you’re not currently going through a divorce or another…
Read MoreProving Adultery In Virginia
You might be certain that your spouse committed adultery, but your word won’t hold up in the eyes of the law without concrete evidence. This is true no matter where you live, but Virginia residents face a few unique challenges and considerations; let’s examine the best way to proceed with proving adultery in the state.…
Read MoreHow to Create a Long-Distance Parenting Plan
Walking through a divorce is a challenging process for everyone involved. Add children into the mix, and a divorce can become even harder. Using mediation services throughout the divorce process can help make the overall process easier for the whole family. Creating a parenting plan is part of the mediation process in a divorce and…
Read MoreHow to Go to Mediation for Divorce in VA
The divorce process can be quite an overwhelming and trying time for anyone. Even if you and your spouse are on good terms, walking through a divorce can stir up many emotions and questions. Instead of taking the litigation route in the court system, many couples choose to work through their divorce through mediation services.…
Read MoreWhy More People Are Choosing Remote Mediation In VA
Mediation is an integral part of finding a solution that works for disagreeing parties. In the past, trying to schedule an in-person mediation was often hard to do with coordinating schedules, travel time, and finding that ever-elusive parking spot. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many mediators could only use remote mediation in VA to reach their…
Read MoreHow Child-Centered Divorce Mediation Can Help Your Family
Divorce is hard, no matter the circumstances. While your divorce could be relatively amicable, it still requires an adjustment and uprooting from the life that you once had together in marriage. Divorce often gets messier when children are involved as your family struggles to find a new normal between households and custody battles. January…
Read MoreWhat is Cultural Sensitivity in Mediation?
While we are all humans, we all don’t come from the same cultural background. If 2020 has taught us anything, it is that we all have different opinions and upbringings that affect how we view the world. Being culturally sensitive is a vital part of cultivating a life that includes and involves everyone. There…
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