Co-Parenting With a Toxic Ex

Difficulties Arise in Argument About Co-Parenting with a Toxic Ex

There’s a situation we all dread yet few of us ever imagine ending up in when we get into a relationship or have children: co-parenting with a toxic ex. Yet if you’ve found yourself in this unfortunate scenario, there are ways to navigate it while maintaining your sanity and still giving your child(ren) the opportunity…

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Resolve Co-Parenting Issues During the Holidays

Couple Experiencing Difficulties Co-Parenting During The Holidays

The holidays should be when we all relax, spend some time with our loved ones, and enjoy the festivities. Yet things don’t always turn out that way — the unfortunate reality is that many people face less-than-ideal family situations, including having to navigate co-parenting. If you’re struggling to resolve co-parenting issues during the holidays, know…

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Negotiating Your Divorce Decree

A couple negotiates their divorce decree

As anyone going through the process themselves will know, getting a divorce involves several hurdles. A divorce decree can seem like the light at the end of the tunnel after months of toil — but negotiation has its own set of challenges. To avoid common stumbling blocks and problems when carrying out a divorce in…

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Are there benefits to an at-Fault Divorce in Virginia?

Benefits of an at-Fault Divorce in Virginia

Deciding to file for a divorce is difficult enough already, but you’ll soon find you have a second decision to make: whether you opt for a no-fault or an at-fault divorce. Both options are possible in Virginia, depending on your circumstances. Whether your ex-spouse committed adultery or something even worse, there are pros and cons…

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Proving Adultery In Virginia

Proving Adultery in Virginia

You might be certain that your spouse committed adultery, but your word won’t hold up in the eyes of the law without concrete evidence. This is true no matter where you live, but Virginia residents face a few unique challenges and considerations; let’s examine the best way to proceed with proving adultery in the state.…

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7 Ways to Help Your Child’s Mental Health During a Divorce

Protect your child’s mental health during a divorce

Parents who choose to divorce have concluded that this is best for the family.  The marital relationship may be damaging not only to the parents but also to the children.  However, even in the best circumstances, divorce may be challenging for the children. While it is important to consider everyone’s mental health during a divorce,…

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How to Create a Long-Distance Parenting Plan

A young girl travels alone by plane to visit a parent

Walking through a divorce is a challenging process for everyone involved. Add children into the mix, and a divorce can become even harder. Using mediation services throughout the divorce process can help make the overall process easier for the whole family. Creating a parenting plan is part of the mediation process in a divorce and…

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5 Benefits of the Uniform Collaborative Law Act

Collaborative Law Book On A Desk

While using a collaborative approach to dispute resolution has gained popularity in the past few years, the collaborative law process has been around for a few decades. The recent passage of the Uniform Collaborative Law Act (UCLA) in Virginia has many benefits for both lawyers and clients. The regulation of this type of alternative dispute…

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How to Go to Mediation for Divorce in VA

The divorce process can be quite an overwhelming and trying time for anyone. Even if you and your spouse are on good terms, walking through a divorce can stir up many emotions and questions. Instead of taking the litigation route in the court system, many couples choose to work through their divorce through mediation services.…

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