How to Create a Long-Distance Parenting Plan

A young girl travels alone by plane to visit a parent

Walking through a divorce is a challenging process for everyone involved. Add children into the mix, and a divorce can become even harder. Using mediation services throughout the divorce process can help make the overall process easier for the whole family. Creating a parenting plan is part of the mediation process in a divorce and…

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5 Benefits of the Uniform Collaborative Law Act

Collaborative Law Book On A Desk

While using a collaborative approach to dispute resolution has gained popularity in the past few years, the collaborative law process has been around for a few decades. The recent passage of the Uniform Collaborative Law Act (UCLA) in Virginia has many benefits for both lawyers and clients. The regulation of this type of alternative dispute…

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Divorce, Clergy, and the Collaborative Process

The Collaborative Process and Clerical Concerns

As collaborative professionals, we recognize that members of the clergy are a significant segment of society often called upon by, and indirectly involved with divorcing parties and their families. In an effort to inform and educate clergy, the authors assembled an article to inform both the clergy and their members about the collaborative divorce process.…

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