Practice Areas

Alternative Dispute Resolution


Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a common term that is used to describe a variety of processes that are viable alternatives to settle all types of disputes out of the courtroom.  Litigating disputes in the judicial system takes a substantial financial and emotional toll on both the parties to the litigation and the judicial system itself.

Ms. King uses her skills in resolving disputes and her overall breadth of experience in both the civil and family practice areas, in focusing her practice on the different ADR services, described in detail below:

ADR Services:

Traditional Legal Services

Traditional Legal Services

While settling disputes through ADR is often the best choice to preserve the relationship and avoid a costly emotional and financial drain that often is required through a litigation battle, there are those cases when disputes are not appropriate for any ADR services and need to be litigated.

Ms. King takes her vast experience in and outside of the court room to bring the right service to each client, including traditional legal representation in the domestic and international family arena.

Traditional Legal Services include:

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