Making Mediation Easier: 5 Reasons to Choose Virtual Divorce Mediation in Virginia Beach

Is virtual divorce mediation right for you and your spouse in Virginia Beach? Finding a good time and place for mediations can be tricky. Not only do the two parties involved need to agree to a time, but the mediator must also have an opening in their schedule. Add in that some mediations have attorneys present, and you could have an additional two people to coordinate.
Virtual mediations are an excellent option for those clients who have a hard time meeting in person. There are many reasons why virtual mediation may be a good fit for you. Consider these 5 reasons to choose virtual mediation to come to an agreement in your case:
Clients Who Travel Often
Some parties choose virtual mediations when one or both of the clients travel often. Usually, this travel pertains to work, and it is hard to take time off when a client is always on the go. Virtual mediations are a great option in this case as each client can log into a mediation from wherever they are. We do recommend, however, that mediations take place when both clients can dedicate the necessary time to be present and focus on the mediation proceedings.
Clients with Physical Restrictions
Getting around can be hard for those clients who struggle with mobility. Virtual mediations are a valuable tool when one or more of the clients have a disability or sickness. Not only does a virtual mediation reduce stress and anxiety about getting somewhere on time, but it also allows the client to feel comfortable in their own home.Â
With the recent worldwide pandemic of COVID-19, many clients and mediators are turning to virtual mediations when they can’t physically be in the same room. Doing so allows everyone to stay healthy and lowers the risk of infection during an outbreak.
Clients in Different Locations
Virtual mediations serve clients well who live in different cities or states altogether. Meeting online to reach an agreement allows both parties the chance to come together during the mediation. Technology allows these clients to participate in mediation without needing to make a special trip that takes up a lot of extra time.Â
Mediator in a Different Location
Some clients have mediators that they prefer to work with who don’t live in their area. These situations are perfect for virtual mediations. The chosen mediator can meet online and speak to the clients together in the same room or clients in separate locations.Â
Choosing virtual mediation when a mediator is in a different location usually occurs when clients have prior experience with a mediator. Those mediators from a home town or those that have long time experience with a family may also meet under these conditions.Â
Reduce Client’s Stress or Anxiety
Meeting in person for a mediation can be quite stressful for certain clients. Meeting on screen, rather than in person, allows some distance that can be quite helpful in the mediation process. Those clients that may shut down during an in-person meeting often feel more comfortable behind a screen. It is quite possible that a virtual mediation could result in better agreements between the two parties than a mediation done in the office.
Choosing the right form of mediation is essential for all of the parties involved. Technology has made mediations more accessible to both clients and mediators through the use of virtual connections. While there are still some regulations and guidelines for virtual mediations, connecting with each other via the internet is often helpful for many clients.
Work With an Expert in Virginia Beach Virtual Divorce Mediation
As an experienced mediator and trainer, Ms. Donita King has experience in virtual mediations and offers this option to clients when needed. For more information about how Ms. King can help you reach an agreement through virtual mediation, contact her office today!